Key Requirements for the Student Guardian Visa:
  • Fundamental Requirements:
    • The applicant must genuinely intend to provide support and general welfare for the international student.
    • The applicant can be a parent, a person with custody of the student, or a relative over 21 years of age who has been nominated in writing by a parent.
    • Bringing family members younger than 6 years of age is generally not allowed, except under specific conditions.
  • Financial Criteria:
    • The applicant must provide evidence of sufficient funds to cover living expenses, education costs, and the accompanying family member’s expenses throughout the course duration.
    • The applicant should not have any outstanding debts owed to the Australian government.
  • Health Insurance:
    • Student guardians must provide evidence of adequate health insurance coverage for the entire stay in Australia.
    • Health insurance can be from Australia, the applicant’s home country, or Overseas Visitors Health Cover (OVHC).
  • Legal Identity and Relationship Documents:
    • Student guardians should have readily available identity documents.
    • Proof of the relationship with the student must also be provided.
  • Genuine Temporary Entrant Requirement:
    • The Department will assess the applicant’s personal circumstances in their home country, immigration history, and overall plan to stay in Australia to ensure they meet the Genuine Temporary Entrant Requirement.
Conditions Applicable Once Eligible for Visa:
  • Work is not permitted under this visa.
  • The duration of study is limited to three months only.
  • It is mandatory to maintain the approved Overseas Visitor Health Cover throughout the stay.
  • Applying for any other Australian visa is not allowed.
  • The visa holder must fulfill Australia’s obligations under the 1951 UN Convention.
  • Leaving Australia is prohibited without taking the nominating student along and informing the department about appropriate arrangements made for the student.
We can help you apply for this visa. As registered migration agents, we provide professional assistance and guidance that is personalized to your situation. If you want to learn more about your visa options or need help with your application, we encourage you to Schedule a Consultation with us.